Books, Books and More Books

Books, Books and More Books

I have over a thousand books in my house. I stopped collecting them about 10 years ago, because they were just overtaking my domain. They were overfilling the bookcases, stacked precipitously on the floors, tables, in boxes, anywhere I could think to place them.

The Internet became my savior. I could and did begin to read digitally and continue to do so to this day. In my early years I read a lot of engaging fiction. Then I figured if I was reading so much I had might as well start learning something while I was reading, so I graduated to all manner of nonfiction. Nowadays I generally read random things off of the Internet, news, medical sites, blogs, forums, an occasional book, what have you. It’s funny how our tastes change over time. I need to donate a number of my books.

I thought about including more pics of my books but that would require me to actually have to straighten up my bookcases, which I’m not about to do right now. Sorry.

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