I have a passion for cooking and baking that cannot be quenched.
However, like many of us, I have been inconvenienced by the pandemic, severe postal delays, and my increasing age.
As you may know, I have had to temporarily close my online bakery, The Diabetic Pastry Chef. But, not one to be completely undone, I’ve decided to continue on by blogging more personally and intensively.
I envision this as becoming more of a lifestyle blog focusing on topics such as diabetes, health and nutrition, cooking, baking, writing, design, the arts and anything that I think might help you or which generally interests me.
Many of you have seen me around the Internet for a while, yet don’t know a lot about me. I’m an African-American senior citizen—a cookbook author and blogger, who happens to be a diabetic pastry chef! I have Type 2 diabetes.
I developed a formula years ago that enables one to take most any existing dessert recipe and—with a few universal changes—transform that recipe into a sugar-free, lower-carb version that actually tastes good! The formula is detailed in my cookbook, The Diabetic Pastry Chef; you can also glean more about it by reading further down in the pages of my blog.
To those who have been with me over the long haul, I appreciate your loyalty; and to all newcomers, I welcome you to join me on this journey!
Wishing us all health, happiness and success. Looking forward to learning more about you as well.
Stacey Harris