Sugar-free desserts that actually taste good are not easy to master. There is an art and a science to creating satisfying sugar-free desserts that remains elusive to many novice bakers.
It’s not as simple as just swapping a sugar-substitute for sugar in an existing recipe. You have to first familiarize yourself with the properties of different sugar substitutes. Will a particular sugar-substitute prevent your baked goods from browning or rising in the oven, will it cause stomach upset, does it have an unpleasant aftertaste? Are you to substitute 1:1 when substituting for sugar? Each sugar-substitute has different properties that you’ll need to be aware of.
Many sugar-free products have been given a bad rap. I’ve met plenty of people who have an aversion to sugar-free baked goods and desserts; this is because they’ve had bad reactions and experiences in the past to sugar-free products. So much so that they refuse to partake ever again, no matter your persuasion. I get it, because these bad reactions and experiences are partially what led me to begin experimenting in an attempt to make sugar-free products that actually taste good.
Okay, moving on, not only will you need to familiarize yourself with sugar-substitutes, but if you’re intent on lowering the carbs in your recipes, you’ll also have to know a thing or two about various flours and dairy substitutes, etc.
What are the carb counts of the various flours…can they be substituted 1:1 for all-purpose flour in your recipes? How do you mix flours and sugar-substitutes, for that matter, to obtain more satisfying results? What is the best dairy milk alternative to use for your baking and desserts? How do you create healthier fats for your baking?
As you can see, there is quite a bit to master when creating tasty sugar-free baked goods and desserts. Creating sugar-free is not for the faint of heart; there will be lots of education, experimentation and improvisation to master if you’re serious abut conquering sugar-free baking. Along the way, you’ll acquire lots of tips and tricks.
Some of you might prefer not to learn the basics and depend on recipes you come upon on the Internet or sugar-free cookbooks instead. This is, of course okay, but you’ll be trusting on the expertise of the baker who posted the recipe. And, frankly, most sugar-free pastries don’t rival the taste of pastries and desserts made with sugar, unless the baker has been expertly schooled in creating sugar-free pastries and desserts, which unfortunately few have been. These desserts might be a good quick fix for those craving something sweet, but you’ll need to learn the basics of creating your own sugar-free pastries and desserts if your appetite goes more towards high quality pastries and desserts.
Please continue to visit my blog and buy my books if you are serious about learning more about conquering diabetes and how to create high quality sugar-free pastries and desserts that even your non-diabetic friends and relatives will enjoy. I’m so happy you’re here, and hope that you’ll continue to come back!